Friday, June 23, 2017


I'm back and ready for action. I'm still progressing slowly on Ruination of Bran and Asteria Rising as I had far less time during my summer teaching assistant job than first estimated. During my work on the Ruination of Bran module, I did create a quest board in Paint.Net for some added flavor.

Admittedly part of making the template was to procrastinate on creating a floor plan of a palace however I am proud of my template and the quests I placed on it. Hopefully, it will add that extra bit of flavor to the game when people play it.

I'll keep working on the module and see if I can gather enough research and experience to make a page about module creation afterwards.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Salutations Dear Reader,

I've run into quite a pleasant predicament. From June 12-23 I will have double my usual workload in my life outside this blog. That means you won't notice any new pages or posts for a spell. I am still gradually expanding on Ateria Rising, I am also revamping Ruination of Bran into a much cleaner and more comprehensive work. Any days I don't have enough time to get into those two projects I will simply go through older pages and posts to correct information and editing mistakes.

My main goal will be that by the week of June 26 the new and improved Ruination of Bran module will be uploaded for you all to enjoy.