Homebrewed: Akura

Akura is the name of my homebrew world that I Dungeon Master (DM) for.  This page collects  information about Akura that I and my players have built up over time. It acts as both reference for me, but also as a place where people can freely draw ideas from for their adventures. There aren't any promised updates to the information on this page, but I'll notify in the usual post thread when that happens.

This is the map that started it all. It is 8532x4482 pixels. Initially this map wasn't even made for Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). It was made before I started playing actually; it was for a game I made and managed on an internet forum. When my friends wanted to ditch the starter campaign they bought [Mines of Phandelver] I was elected to be the Game Master (GM). I needed to make up some content, so I drew a lot of lore for my first D&D campaign from that internet forum game source. Why reinvent the wheel?

Not the best made collection of enemies and miscellaneous nonplayer characters (NPCs), yet it is what I look at when deciding a combat scenario. While not all of these NPCs were used when my first D&D group were introduced to the world of Akura, specifically Abrana, it did add some life to the city while they stumbled through learning the game and world.

This document was made because the cleric [Father Marks] was attempting to create a cult to Mishakal as part of their backstory. Mainly as a joke, the player began every encounter with ruling persuasion to attempt conversion of people. Through roleplay and persistence he formed his own little church. When the party did a short time skip, the characters were allowed to do various actions in their time off. Father Marks wanted did research into the various other religions in the city of Abrana. I cobbled together some information, printed it off, and gave it to him to keep track of. Essentially I made a lore report for my player.

The above is the first hand drawn map I made for Akura, excluding the continent map. It was initially meant for an improvised solo campaign to allow my girlfriend [now just bestfriend] to see if she'd like D&D. It didn't turn out that great, but I would continue to make maps like this. As my players travel the world, I will make these scaled maps of Akura. Then someday I'll tape them all together onto my wall for a glorious picture to post here.


The others nations of Akura
In depth on the 12 Peers and Charon's Echelon

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