This character plays in contradiction to how druids aren't supposed to use metal armor or shields [aren't proficient in them], yet can use metal weapons. If that is loophole to the rules, then are there other ones? What if there is a druid who communes with nature in more urban environments, attempting to compromise the artificial and natural worlds.
Rock gnomes start with the ability to make mechanical clockwork critters, along with being proficient with tinker tools. They aren't going to find the components for these tools out in the wilderness, which encourages them to at least visit urban environments more.
In my mind the character puts their skills in tinkering to use for a guild to both gain money for components and form allies for more druidic needs. An urban environment would be starved for a lot of nature, yet it would be present to some extent. Maybe the druid travels to orchard farms or even tree farms to heal the crops for the locals. Working for a guild could allow the druid to always have a place to rest when visiting settlements, and give the druid an information network to tap into.
That is generally the Techno Druid, one that plays around with the rules of their Druid Circle. Possibly focusing on helping nature within and around settlements, while using a guild membership as a means of always having money and a place to rest when traveling. Someone with simple goals, a drive to better themselves and compromise two seemingly opposing forces [nature and mechanical].
Have a great day.
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