

This blog is meant to go over how to make campaigns for table top roleplaying games, primarily Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. I call myself a Game Master (GM) rather than a Dungeon Master (DM) simply because my initial game creation experience comes from the Paradox Plaza OT Forum Games forum.
What will you find here? Posts about games and game creation. I am an amateur game designer in the Little Rock Game Designers (L.R.G.D.) and will have development blogs on the games I'm slowly building up. There are a variety of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) posts on this blog as well.

D&D campaigns I've been a part of.
Adventures in D&D

Games I'm working on:
Asteria Rising—a science-fiction table-top role-playing-game.

Caravan—an economic board game where players are part of the same caravan and sabotage one another along the way.

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