Friday, December 22, 2017

Update on Experiment

While I have not tested it with a larger group, on Saturday 16 December 2017, I tried my new setting. I sat down with a friend of mine and did a usability test. We played through four hours of content. The content was simply them picking a direction and doing Survival rolls to avoid being lost, while interacting with random events I rolled.

Each hex is 1 square mile/ 1.6 kilometers.
They managed to explore a fair bit of the map, which I placed into a map making program known as Hexographer later. Next session I will update as we go rather than afterwards. The person testing the setting purposefully tried strange things in order to derail or ruin the game. The setting is meant to have a high degree of improvisation on my part, except for random event and encounter tables, so it helped with the test.

Once the holiday season is over I should be able to wrangle people together for more Dungeons and Dragons play sessions. For now there is not much I can do with everyone being busy. That is all for this week's post. Enjoy the holidays.

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