Sunday, March 4, 2018


Giving this small post to let people know progress on Asteria Rising. This post is not an update on game mechanics, but those have been worked on. A test of the combat system was done 27 February 2018. The test revealed an issue with the combat, which has been fixed.

The game has also expanded character creation to have visual examples. Each subsection in character creation gives the basic information one needs on how to make a character, followed by detailed tasks with examples.

My plan has been to employ software documentation techniques, like those seen in instruction manuals for computer software. The character creation has been tested by one person, and the tasks worked very well. The only issue the person had was not knowing how valuable the skills they were rolling for were; thus, they were not sure what skills should be prioritized.

I am in a game designer group on Facebook. I plan to release the character creation information to them with a form to fill out. This will give me much needed data on the character creation section. I want character creation to be easy on users because it will be the first thing players encounter with the game. If the character creation is difficult, people will not want to give the game a chance.

My desire, is for the next true update on Asteria Rising to state the data I collect on my character creation section. That is all I have for the blog for now; I'm rather busy with school and continual revisions of Asteria Rising.

Thanks for reading.

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