Sunday, October 29, 2017

Writing Process: Part 3 - Drafting/Writing

It might seem strange that this stage comes after sharing. The reason is sharing can be done with either brainstorming or drafting. What makes writing a process is the fact its steps are repeatable. You come up with an idea, draft it, you share it, you redraft, share again, and maybe even scrap everything then start from scratch. I freewrite for my brainstorming [first step] because it gets a draft out there right away, but everyone has their own methods. Some people make outlines and others visual aids to get a sense of what to write first.

Drafting in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is important because it gets content laid out on a page. The freewrite [Writing Process: Part 1 - Rambling] is sort of a draft. Writing is a process, yet it is not a linear process. Brainstorming always comes first as the ideas need to be generated. After that comes either the drafting or sharing part of the process. Most of the time I draft my work after brainstorming, yet with D&D I like to talk to people about the ideas my brain stormed first too.

Step 3 of the writing process is simply to have the work written. If you are like me and freewrite for your brainstorming, it is best to implement any comments people made on your work. This effectively creates a second draft. Yes, the writing process will require multiple drafts, but that's a good thing. The more work one puts into their writing the more refined it will be.

*Note to audience: I would have given an example of this serial's first part having been updated but I'm busy with classes. Next update in this serial will be more robust.

Have a great week everyone.

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